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S8911 programmable

[Torque] 35.2(4.8V)/ 48.4(6.6V)/ 54.3(7.4V)/ 61.6(8.4V)kg・cm 488.8(4.8V) / 672.1(6.6V) / 753.6(7.4V) / 855.5(8.4V)oz・in[Speed] 0.19 (4.8V)/0.14 (6.6V)/0.12 (7.4V)/0.11 (8.4V) Sec/60°[Weight] 77 g / 2.72 in[diemension] 40 x 20 x 39.5 mm / 1.57 x 0.78 x 1.56 in [Length of lead harness] 300mm [Operating Voltage] 4.5V - 8.5V

recommend for Giant Scale S8911スペック誤記を訂正しました。


■corelee motor ■Super steel full metal gear(Gear B brass) ■wide valtage ■BIG upperl ball bearing (12x6) bottom(10x6)


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